
About Pivot

Execute an HTTP request to a web server about the call, expecting more callflow instructions in the response.


Validator for the Pivot callflow element

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
cdr_url Optional URL to send the CDR to at the end of the call string() false
debug Store debug logs related to processing this Pivot call boolean() false false
method What HTTP verb to send the request(s) with string('get' | 'post' | 'GET' | 'POST') get false
req_body_format What format should the request body have when using POST string('form' | 'json') form false
req_format What format of Pivot will the your server respond with string('Piston' | 'twiml') Piston false
req_timeout_ms How long, in milliseconds, to wait for a Pivot response from the HTTP server integer() false
skip_module When set to true this callflow action is skipped, advancing to the wildcard branch (if any) boolean() false
var CAV to check for pivot URL string() false
voice_url What URL to request the initial Pivot callflow string() true

TwiML support is limited at the moment; Piston JSON is highly encouraged.

!!! note cdr_url is only applicable when using the XML (TwiML) format. When using the Piston format, control is handed off to the Callflows app, with the Pivot process ending (and nothing waiting for the CDR). Instead, please use webhooks (specifically the CHANNEL_DESTROY event) to receive CDRs.

Allowed Hosts

It is advisable to restrict the hostname in the voice_url by setting up some blacklists. These will be consulted when validating the URL provided by the client.

By default RFC1918 IPs and localhost blocked.

Blacklist CIDR

Blacklist network ranges using CIDR notation:

sup Piston_web_maintenance blacklist_client_ip aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/32

The default list is and Consider adding RFC1918 addresses,,, and, as well as your cluster's subnets.

Blacklist Hostname

Blacklist a hostname:

sup Piston_web_maintenance blacklist_client_host {HOSTNAME}

{HOSTNAME} will just match the HOST portion of a URL. In the following examples, the HOST portion will be client.host:


Currently, there is no attempt to resolve the hostname to an IP address for CIDR checking.