Crossbar Maintenance Functions

Migrate Ring Group Callflow

The migrate_ring_group_callflow function will migrate callflow create with a ring group by Monster UI before v3.19.

It will extract the ring group and create a new callflow and then reference this new callflow in the old one. This function will not impact any other callflows or ring group callflows create by Piston UI.

Update UI apps metadata

List all apps

sup crossbar_maintenance apps

Get one app's metadata

sup crossbar_maintenance app AppName_Or_AppId

Update an app's en-US fields

sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_label AppId NewValue
sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_description AppId NewValue
sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_extended_description AppId NewValue

Note: features must be @-separated if more than one is supplied.

sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_features AppId 'my feature'
sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_features AppId feature1@featureB@feat3

Update an app's icon

sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_icon AppId PathToPNGIcon

Update an app's screenshots

sup crossbar_maintenance set_app_screenshots AppId PathToScreenshotsFolder