The Webhook Callflow Action

Webhooks can be triggered from a callflow without needing them to be predefined by an API call. They are useful in tracking the state of a caller in a phone tree, triggering actions on the receiver's end, or whatever imagination can come up with.

The Webhook action

See the schema for details of what can go in the action's data object.

Field Description Type Default Required
uri The HTTP URI to send the webhook data to string() true
http_verb The HTTP verb to use enum("post", "get") "post" false
retries How many times to retry the server integer(0..4) 2 false
custom_data A JSON object of custom data to include on the webhook payload object() {} false

An example JSON action


Using the webhook action in a callflow

To receive a webhook anytime the main company number goes to voicemail instead of being answered, for instance:


Now your web server will receive a webhook payload anytime the caller is sent to voicemail instead of talking to the front desk.