
About Webhooks

Webhooks allow Piston to send HTTP requests to a third-party web server, alerting that server of events occurring within Piston. Typically, events would be fired for new calls, when a call is answered, and when a call is finished, though other events will be added in the future.


Web Hooks are subscriptions to allowed events that, when the event occurs, the event data is sent to the uri set in the Web Hook document.

Key Description Type Default Required Support Level
custom_data These properties will be added to the event and will overwrite existing values. object() false
enabled Is the webhook enabled and running boolean() true false
format What Body format to use when sending the webhook. only valid for 'post' & 'put' verbs string('form-data' | 'json') form-data false supported
hook The trigger event for a request being made to 'callback_uri'. string() true supported
http_verb What HTTP method to use when contacting the server string('get' | 'post' | 'put') post false supported
include_internal_legs Whether to filter out call legs that are internal to the system (loopback) boolean() true false
include_subaccounts Should the webhook be fired for subaccount events. boolean() false supported
modifiers Only return events that match the key value pairs defined, If multiple key value pairs are defined then the AND operator is used object() false
name A friendly name for the webhook string() true supported
retries Retry the request this many times (if it fails) integer() 2 false supported
uri The 3rd party URI to call out to an event string() true supported


GET /v2/webhooks

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN} \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": [
            "description": "Events when calls end",
            "id": "channel_destroy",
            "name": "channel_destroy"
            "description": "Events when new calls start",
            "id": "channel_create",
            "name": "channel_create"
            "description": "Events for when the channel is answered by the endpoint",
            "id": "channel_answer",
            "name": "channel_answer"
           "description": "Receive notifications when objects in Piston are changed",
           "id": "object",
           "modifiers": {
               "action": {
                   "description": "A list of object actions to handle",
                   "items": [
                   "type": "array"
               "type": {
                   "description": "A list of object types to handle",
                   "items": [
                   "type": "array"
               "types": {
                   "description": "A list of object types to handle",
                   "items": {
                       "type": "string"
                   "type": "array"
           "name": "object"
   "page_size": 4,
   "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
   "revision": "{REVISION}",
   "status": "success"

Get sample payloads of all webhook events

GET /v2/webhooks/samples

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \



curl -H "'ontent-Type: application/json' 'http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/webhooks/samples'


  "data": [
  "revision": "{REVISION}",
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "{VERSION}",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success"

Get sample payloads of a webhook event

GET /v2/webhooks/samples/{SAMPLE_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

You can use regular Crossbar query string filters to narrow down the samples, for example:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/webhooks/samples/webhook_notifications?filter_event_name=missed_call'
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/webhooks/samples/webhook_object?filter_action=doc_created'



curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://{SERVER}:8000/v2/webhooks/samples/webhooks_parking'


  "page_size": 1,
  "data": [
      "account_id": "5a2d994fbae69b1d6b01eb9f0e7dfe62",
      "call_id": "OWU4NzEwOTgyZWNiMjM0MzI0NjRkZDc4MWVmMjEyOWI",
      "callee_id_name": "Test Name",
      "callee_id_number": "5355543456",
      "caller_id_Number": "+15555432345",
      "caller_id_name": "Superman",
      "event_name": "PARK_PARKED",
      "parking_slot": 1
  "revision": "{REVISION}",
  "timestamp": "{TIMESTAMP}",
  "version": "{VERSION}",
  "node": "{NODE}",
  "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
  "status": "success"

List webhooks

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks

Any webhooks with disable_reason in the summary has been auto-disabled.

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Create webhook

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data": {
        "name": "New Calls",
        "uri": "http://my.{SERVER}/calls/new.php",
        "http_verb": "post",
        "hook": "channel_create",
    }}' \

Get details of the webhook

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks/{WEBHOOK_ID}

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Edit webhook

POST /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks/{WEBHOOK_ID}

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data": {
        "name": "New Calls",
        "uri": "http://my.{SERVER}/calls/new_calls.php",
        "http_verb": "post",
        "hook": "channel_create",
        "retries": 3
    }}' \

Patch webhook

PATCH /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks/{WEBHOOK_ID}

You can also patch an existing webhook:

curl -v -X PATCH \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data":{"enabled":true}}' \

Delete a webhook

DELETE /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks/{WEBHOOK_ID}

curl -v -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

List Webhook Attempts

Webhooks tracks attempts to send the hook payloads to your URIs. You can get a listing of the more recent attempts to help debug what went wrong.

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks/attempts

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    "auth_token": "{AUTH_TOKEN}",
    "data": [
            "client_error": "nxdomain",
            "hook_id": "{HOOK_ID}",
            "reason": "Piston http client error",
            "result": "failure",
            "retries left": 2,
            "timestamp": 63590996563
            "hook_id": "{HOOK_ID}",
            "result": "success",
            "timestamp": 63590996562
    "page_size": 2,
    "request_id": "{REQUEST_ID}",
    "status": "success"

List attempts for a specific attempt

GET /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks/{WEBHOOK_ID}/attempts

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \

Re-enable auto-disabled hooks in bulk

Webhooks will auto-disable failing hooks (if Piston can't reach your server, or you take too long to respond with 200 OK, for instance). Especially if you're a reseller with webhooks in your client accounts, it can be tedious to have to iterate through all your accounts and re-enable each hook. Fortunately, you can perform this bulk-enable action against an account or an account and its descendants.

Enable an account's hooks

PATCH /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks

curl -v -X PATCH \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{"data":{"re-enable":true}}' \

Enable an account's and descendant accounts' hooks

PATCH /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/descendants/webhooks

curl -v -X PATCH \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -d '{"data":{"re-enable":true}}' \

Hook Payload

Here's what you can expect to receive when a webhook fires to your server:

Base Payload

  • hook_event: The type of hook being fired
  • call_direction: "inbound" or "outbound", relative to Piston
  • timestamp: Gregorian timestamp of the event
  • account_id: ID of the account generating the event
  • request: SIP Request
  • to: SIP To
  • from: SIP From
  • call_id: SIP Call ID
  • other_leg_call_id: If bridged, the Call ID of the other leg
  • caller_id_name: Caller ID Name
  • caller_id_number: Caller ID Number
  • callee_id_name: Callee Name
  • callee_id_number: Callee Number

Most of these fields should be present on all payloads.

Hook Specific

  • channel_create
    • hook_event: channel_create
  • channel_answer
    • hook_event: channel_answer
  • channel_destroy
    • hook_event: channel_destroy
    • hangup_cause: SIP Hangup Cause (NORMAL_CLEARING, ORIGINATOR_CANCEL, etc)
    • hangup_code: SIP Hangup Code (404, 503, etc)
  • doc
    • hook_event: doc
    • action: doc_created, doc_updated, doc_deleted
    • type: user, vmbox, callflow, account, device, faxbox, media

Hook Specific Custom Data

To restrict the kind of document or the action or both. You can set the custom data to:

   "type": "user",
   "action": "doc_edited"

Filter Hooks

You can filter webhooks (server side) to only fire when a defined set of key value pairs are present in the webhooks payload.

Key value pairs should be defined in the "modifiers" object. If multiple key value pairs are defined then operator AND is used.

Key value pairs can be any arbitrary string value.

EG, only receive a channel_create webhook for inbound call_direction and when the caller_id_number is 1001.

PUT /v2/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/webhooks

curl -v -X PUT \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: {AUTH_TOKEN}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"data": {
        "name": "New inbound call leg for caller id number 1001",
        "uri": "http://my.{SERVER}/calls/new.php",
        "http_verb": "post",
        "hook": "channel_create",
        "modifiers": {
            "call_direction": "inbound",
            "caller_id_number": "1001"
    }}' \